Gluten Free Food

Welcome to our Gluten Free Food collection, where health meets sustainability! Our carefully curated selection features the finest gluten-free products, perfect for those who are celiac, gluten-sensitive, or simply seeking a healthier lifestyle. Each item is sourced from eco-conscious producers committed to preserving our planet. Indulge in a variety of organic, non-GMO snacks, baking essentials, and whole foods that are not only delicious and free from gluten, but also kind to the Earth. Join us in embracing a sustainable, gluten-free journey! 

Disclaimer:  We state brands are Gluten Free when it is on the packaging or the brand's website - we do not assess the ingredients ourselves.  Brands can change formulations and mistakes can be made.  Before consuming or using, please always check the ingredients yourself first to be sure.

Check out all our Gluten Free Resources

Read more here Do Celiacs Need Gluten Free Skin Care?

Gluten Free Chocolate
Gluten Free Food
Gluten Free Toothpaste

Gluten Free Beauty

Gluten Free Skin Care

Gluten Free Cook Book

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132 products

How do I know if a product is truly gluten free?

To determine if a product is truly gluten-free, you can follow these steps:

Look for Labels: Check for a “gluten-free” label on the product. In many countries, this label indicates that the product contains less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten.

Read Ingredients: Read the ingredient list for any mention of wheat, barley, rye, oats, malt, or brewer’s yeast. These are common sources of gluten.

Check Certification: Look for certification from reputable gluten-free organisations. Products with such certifications have been tested and verified to be gluten-free.

Contact The Manufacturer: If you’re still unsure, contact the manufacturer directly to inquire about their gluten-free testing methods and cross-contamination controls.

Remember, regulations can vary by country. For example, in Australia, a “gluten-free” claim means the product must contain no detectable gluten, which is stricter than the standards in other countries. Always verify with local guidelines and consider reaching out to manufacturers for the most accurate information.