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Urban Composter Bokashi Accelerator Spray 500ml

Urban Composter Bokashi Accelerator Spray 500ml

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  • Made in Australia

Urban Composter Bokashi Accelerator Spray 500ml. Accelerator spray for use with any Bokashi composting buckt including the Urban Composter or Bokashi One bucket.  This compost accelerator contains cultures of EM-1 (effective microorganisms) that ferment food scraps allowing them to quickly break down once buried under soil.   500ml.


Accelerator spray for use with the Urban Composter and any Bokashi bucket system.

This compost accelerator contains cultures of EM-1 (effective microorganisms) that ferment food scraps allowing them to quickly break down once buried under soil. The result is a rich and nutritious soil conditioner.

you are making a difference:

  • Return your food scraps to the earth to enrich the soil, reduce waste and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Packaged in recycled plastic.

how does it work:

  • Cut up your food scraps and throw them into the Urban Composter bokashi bucket.
  • Spray Compost Accelerator onto the scraps every time they are added (recommend 4-5 sprays evenly over scraps). Bokashi mix can also be used if desired.
  • Push scraps down to compact the layers each time.
  • Ensure lid is sealed correctly all the way around as air contact may affect the fermentation process.
  • Drain the juice off every few days. This can be diluted (1:100) with water and used as a fertiliser. Alternatively this can be poured down the sink and acts as an organic drain cleaner.
  • Ensure the bucket is left for at least 1-2 weeks after it is full to ensure all contents are fermented. Ensure all juice is drained off.
  • Bury under soil or place on compost heap where it will break down in 4-8 weeks and can be planted into.
  • When emptied clean only with fresh water as this won't harm microbes inside composter.

Small family-owned Australian company.

Made in Australia.

Please note: image is a guide only, packaging may vary.

Browse our other Bokashi products.

Ingredients / Materials


Dynamic fermented fruit extract - EM1.

500ml volume


Made in


Brand story

Luke Gregory designed the Urban Composter while studying Industrial Design at university. Luke is passionate about the environment and wanted an easy way to stop food scraps going into landfill. 

He didn’t like the fact that most bokashi systems aren’t where you need them. Most people don’t want bokashi composting systems in their kitchen, near food. Luke felt that if people could compost kitchen scraps in their kitchen, using a simple system, more people would do it.

Luke researched an entirely new anaerobic composting method that didn’t require  bokashi bran and discovered that he could use a citrus-based spray with Effective Micro-organisms to start the composting process.

Now Urban Composters come in two sizes, and (as well as the spray bottles) are made from recycled plastic. Has composting ever been this easy?

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