Earth Hour 2015

Earth Hour is a great Aussie success story! It started in Sydney in 2007 as what was supposed to be a one year campaign designed to draw attention to tackling global warming and get people talking about what we can do to help. In 2008 Earth Hour became a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, the Colosseum in Rome and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour. In Australia, Earth Hour is something that brings communities together to demonstrate their support for taking action to tackle global warming, with one in every three Aussies taking part in 2014. Earth Hour is an initiative to encourage individuals, businesses and governments around the world to take accountability for their ecological footprint and engage in dialogue and resource exchange that provides real solutions to our environmental challenges. Participation in Earth Hour symbolises a commitment to change beyond the hour. On March 28, Earth Hour 2015 is celebrating Aussie food and farmers, reminding Australians of the need to tackle global warming for the sake of our rural communities and our supply of fresh, healthy, home grown food. Australian farmers are on the front-line of rising temperatures and extreme weather. Flooding, drought, fires and changes in pests and weeds are affecting the very farms that supply 93% of the food we eat. Scientists predict that if we don't tackle climate change, irrigated agriculture in the Murray Darling basin is on track to decline between 92-97%. Millions of Australians are expected to take part in Earth Hour at 8:30pm local time on Saturday, March 28, 2015 to show their support for cutting carbon pollution for the sake of our food and farmers. As part of the Earth Hour 2015 campaign, Earth Hour are releasing a Cookbook; a collection of 52 recipes by Australia's top celebrity chefs including Margaret Fulton, Matt Preston, Neil Perry, Luke Mangan, Kylie Kwong, Jill Dupleix and Matt Stone. The recipes are combined with first-hand stories from Australian farmers highlighting the impact global warming is having on their farms and the availability of our favourite foods grown here in Australia. What can you do to participate?
  • Switch off and light up using 100% natural Aussie made beeswax candles.
  • Host or attend an Earth Hour gathering or dinner in your community.
  • Register your support on the Earth Hour Australia website to show your support for tackling global warming for the sake of our food and farmers.
  • Buy a copy of Planet to Plate Earth Hour Cookbook available to purchase for $49.99.
  • For more information please visit

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