Local Council Clean and Green Initiatives

Do you want to make your home and the community a cleaner and greener place? Take up these wonderful initiatives offered by our local city councils to further reduce your environmental impact.

Compost and worm farm rebates, plus other food waste initiatives

Many councils around Australia are making it easier for residents to reduce food waste at home. Some councils offer eligible residents a rebate off the purchase of eligible composting equipment, while others have partnered with community compost groups.

To qualify for a rebates you must:

- Reside in the relevant area; 

- Complete the council's online compost questionnaire;

- Provide receipt of compost bin or worm farm purchase; and

- Provide account details you would like the rebate refunded to.

Shop compost bins and worm farms that qualify for a council rebate: 

Shop Bokashi One bins here >

Shop Urban Composter bokashi bin  here > 

Shop EnsoPet bokashi pet waste compost kit  here> 

Shop worm farms here > 

Find out more information about local council food waste initiatives:

Brisbane City Council Compost Rebate Program has details here >

City of Logan Compost Rebate information can be seen here >

City of Ipswich has a Food Organics Garden Organics program, but not a rebate. You can read more about that here >

City of Gold Coast have partnered with community composting hub, Seed the Ground, who has a swap and go scheme. Sign up online and receive a composting caddy direct to your door. Find out more here >

Whitehorse City Council, where our Burwood Biome store is located, has teamed up with Compost Revolution to make it easier for residents to reduce food waste. Find out more here >

Local Council Free Plants Programs

Many councils around Australia offer a free plants program, helping residents to plant and green their properties. Plant species available through the different programs are suited to the local climate and soil conditions, and will help support local wildlife.

Free plants programs are open residential ratepayers, residential tenants, public housing and Defence Housing residents. Residents can claim their plants each financial year (July to June).  

Find out more information and how to apply for your free plants:

Brisbane City Council residents here >

City of Logan residents here >

City of Ipswich residents here >

City of Gold Coast here >

Whitehorse City Council doesn't have a free plants program, but they do provide information for residents to get the most out of gardens at home and in your local area here >