CEO Alex had been struggling with poor oral health, despite doing everything “right” - using high-fluoride toothpaste and nuclear mouthwashes to try to reduce his unexplained cavities. He decided to change his diet and change to more natural health and hygiene products. After switching the mainstays in his bathroom, he was left with a problem, a toothpaste alternative was hard to find. Being a bit of a stubborn type, Alex left his job to make his own. Georganics toothpaste tablets was born and has grown from a tiny stall at a farmer’s market to one of Europe’s most trusted brands of genuinely natural oral healthcare.
Georganics is certified with Cruelty Free International, certified Vegan with Vegan Society UK and are contained within beautiful 100% zero waste, plastic free packaging. They continually look for ways to improve what they do, to grow sustainably and to make sure that each year they make a bigger and better positive difference to the world we all live in. They’re active promoters of the Zero-to-Landfill scheme and are excited to give a chunk of their profits to great causes.