- You can not stop official letters from the Electoral Commission - but, can you stop personally addressed mail from political parties?
- Politicians and political parties are provided with the Electoral roll to use "for any purpose in connection with an election or referendum".
- Material deemed to be political, educational, religious and charitable is exempt from "No Junk Mail" signed letterboxes according to standards developed by the Australian Catalogue Association.
How to stop election campaign junk mail
Here's the first in our series on reducing unnecessary mail. How to stop election campaign and political party "junk" mail.Since the Queensland State & Local Elections were recently called, our mailboxes are groaning with the weight of materials aimed at getting our vote. It may be the electronic era, but it seems that a piece of paper in your letterbox is still considered the most effective way of getting a message across. We do feel it is important that every voter gets to read first-hand the policies of each party, afterall, a well-informed vote has to produce a better outcome for our democracy.
However, there appears to be a huge amount of over-sending junk mail for political purposes - and no clear way on how to fix this. It is clear there needs to be a national solution implemented to stop this unnecessary waste.
We know: