DIY Recipe for Homemade Energising Shower Bombs

DIY bath bomb shower bomb

If you love the idea of bath bombs but don't like the hassle of cleaning up the tub, shower bombs are for you. Shower bombs are like bath bombs' cooler cousins who don't need a bathtub to have fun.

How do shower bombs work?

Shower bombs work the same as bath bombs as when water hits them the fizzing chemical reaction starts.

They fizz and foam under the shower water, releasing delightful aromas.  There are two ways to enjoy shower bombs:

  • Hold one in your hand, rub it gently on your body, and enjoy the spa-like experience.
  • Place on the floor of the shower and allow the released essential oils to drift up to your senses. Breathe deeply and enjoy.

Shower bombs are great for waking up, relaxing, or just pampering yourself. Plus, they come in different scents and shapes, so you can choose your own adventure.

Here's how to make your own shower bombs at home.

Ingredients in Shower Bombs

Bi Carb Soda: has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, and is a natural deodoriser, so it can help clean your shower at the same time!

Citric Acid: provides the "fizz" in your shower bomb, which is half the fun of using one.

Cornstarch: acts as a binder and thickener, combining all the lovely-smelling ingredients together.

Essential oils: use any combination of essential oils depending on your desired effect.  This recipe has oils that assist with energising and mental clarity to start your day.  For a shower bomb to ease congestion and colds, use essential oils such as eucalyptus, rosemary and peppermint. 


Energising Citrus Shower Bomb Recipe

This energising shower bomb recipe will make mornings fun and invigorating, preparing you for the day ahead.

Lemon has a light, tangy scent, guaranteed to gently wake you up in the morning.

Grapefruit not only has a bright and refreshing scent with citrus undertones, but works to purify pores as it steams up towards your skin.

Rosemary provides mental clarity, focus, and will wake you up after a good nights' sleep.

This recipe makes approximately 6 hand rolled bombs. 



  1. In a glass bowl, mix the bi carb, citric acid, cornstarch and dried rosemary if using, then mix in the essential oils. Add the water while rapidly stirring to avoid early reaction.
  2. After this, mixing with hands and pressing the mixture together works best. The final consistency should resemble damp crumbly sand, which just holds together when squeezed. Avoid excess water.
  3. Divide mixture equally and hand roll into balls or place into moulds and press down firmly. Push down the edges.
  4. Set aside to harden at room temperature for a few hours.
  5. Remove from moulds. Store your bombs in an airtight glass jar out of sunlight.

Place a shower bomb on the floor of your shower or rub over your body while the water runs. Start showering and enjoy the uplifting and energising aromatic fizzy experience to get your day started.

Use within six months.  


How To Make Bath Bombs

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