You Are Your Valentine

You are your valentine

While the origins of Valentine's Day are a little hazy, in modern times the day has come to represent love – particularly showing love to those you care about. But, as the experts say, it's important to love yourself first. So, we're celebrating SELF-LOVE this Valentine's Day and we invite you to be part of the movement. Why? Psychologists have long been telling us that self-love is the greatest form of love. This is because when we love ourselves, we can love others in healthy ways, and self-compassion can also build greater resilience and happiness.

3 ways to be your own Valentine on V-Day

1. Do what lights you up Forget the traditional Valentine's Day dinner date, we want you to think about what brings you genuine joy – and go do it. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself, so tap into that inner wisdom to sweep yourself off your feet with an activity that truly lights you up inside. It could be as simple as a walk out in nature, a swim in the ocean, potting some herbs, or sitting down with an art pad and drawing pencils.
Biome founder, Tracey, is treating herself to roller skating classes. "Rollerfit dance videos popping up on my Instagram feed sparked the joy of roller skating for me when I was younger. So I found a local rollerfit class and I'm literally giddy with anticipation for pulling my skates on again!"

2. Write yourself a love note No doubt you often tell your friends and family how much they mean to you, but how often do you stop to appreciate yourself? Treat yourself as you would a friend, child or partner, and write down all the wonderful qualities you possess. Keep the note somewhere safe should you need a quick self-esteem boost in the future.

3. Say I love you Hailed as one of the founders of the self-help movement, Louise Hay used to say that mirror work was the most effective method she had found for learning to love yourself. She recommended looking into your eyes in a mirror and repeating positive affirmations as well as declarations of love for yourself at least once a day.  

3 ways to keep the love going beyond February 14

1. Worship that temple Loving yourself means loving all of you, including that handy vessel that carries you around all day. Treating it with respect – via meditation, adequate sleep, good nutrition and a good old pamper session when you feel like it – will help you to feel your best and boost the self-love. When the negative self-talk pops into your head, attempt to gently redirect your thoughts to all the things you love about your body.

2. Set boundaries Looking after yourself can sometimes include setting boundaries with others. For recovering people-pleasers, saying no to someone can feel incredibly difficult but experts suggest that starting small, being clear early on and staying consistent are factors that can help make the process smoother for everyone. Saying no can also free up space to invite more of the things you do want into your life.

3. Focus on happiness amongst the chaos During times of stress, many of us take the ‘heads down' approach and believe if we work hard now, we'll be able to reap the rewards later. But positive psychology experts Michelle Gielan and Shawn Achor say their research shows that working from goal to goal isn't the best approach. Instead, they suggest focusing on happiness amongst the chaos. Start by turning simple acts like practising gratitude into daily habits.  

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This post is part of Biome's 'Love You For You' month of celebrating self-love and care.


Read more in the series

Five ways to create a self-care sanctuary at home or work

Self Love Isn't Selfish

Our Favourite Self Care Illustrations

Using Jojoba Oil Products for Self Care

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