Inspirational Kids Books: Little People, Big Dreams

Empowering Kids Books at Biome - Little People, Big Dreams
We are passionate about kids books that will educate and inspire our children. Books that will show them anything is possible, regardless of gender, race, age or stereotype. Books to give them role models to follow into their futures. One children's author is giving us exactly this, in her kids books series Little People, Big Dreams.  

Little People, Big Dreams

Isabel Sanchez Vergara, a Barcelona-based writer, features women that have overcome adversity and created history by achieving their dreams. In her interview with Jackie Hong for The, Vergara said the birth of her nieces inspired the kids books series. “I was surprised that there were still so many stories of ladies waiting for a prince to come and rescue them. I thought that history is full of incredible women… And those were the stories I wanted to tell my nieces about”. Aimed for readers 4-8 years old (although you'll love them even if you're older), Vergara's includes the stories of Frida Kahlo, Maya Angelou, Amelia Earhart, Agatha Christie and many more.  

The Books

And the kids books are, in a word, gorgeous. Every book has a different art style, but they're all as beautifully illustrated as each other, using simple and informative pictures to enhance the story. Vergara recalls key moments in each woman's life through easy-to-understand text, which a child could easily read. Although a lot of the women Vergara features have tragic events and childhoods, she deals with these topics through a hopeful outlook: “It is not a matter of hiding their problems, but seeing them from a different perspective”, Vergara said. She doesn't dwell on the tragedies and shows something positive has come from them, such as Maya Angelou's muteness and her discovery and love for words. The books always end on a positive and inspirational note, and includes further information about the woman at the back of the book. It includes a timeline, actual photos, and suggested reading in case kids are curious. There are also opportunities for parents to go into further depth with their children about the matters raised in the stories. For instance, Angelou's book talks about her “growing up in the South”, and how she was treated unfairly because of her race and gender; this offers a chance for further discussion (depending on how old your child is, of course).  

The Inspiration

The best part of the stories, however, is how vividly Vergara explores the women's passion for their dreams. How Amelia Earhart rode in a plane and never wanted to leave the skies. How Frida Kahlo painted through her pain and decided to share her works with the world. And no matter what age you are, you get inspired to do the very same. “Little People, Big Dreams is a tribute to dreamers – to those who pursued a dream no matter how impossible it seemed”, Vergara said.  

The Future

But what are her hopes for the future of the Little People, Big Dreams kids books? “I think it's great all kids discover, in the series, new women roles, but it would be even better if they could discover new male roles too… men who break the stereotype of the “tough, loud and courageous” hero… like Nelson Mandela”. But for the time being, Vergara doesn't have a shortage of people to write about. “Luckily, the list of incredible women is endless. The world is full of little dreamers.”  

Where to Buy these Kids Books

We currently have four hardcover kids books available in the Little People, Big Dreams series. We have three more coming out later this year (so be on the lookout!): Maya Angelou Agatha Christie Amelia Earhart Frida Kahlo These kids books and more are from our category, Empowering Books for Girls and Boys.
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